Friday, June 10, 2011

Fluorescent Lighting

Fluorescent lighting is very important to the general health of the world in general, and your pocketbook in particular. Not only does it contribute less to the greenhouse effect, but it is far more efficient, produces less heat, and is far more efficient.

Because it saves on energy, it reduces pollution, uses less electricity, and lowers your electric bills. Not as well known, it also reduces eye strain, which increases productivity both at work and at home. The bulbs do not get hot, and will not burn little fingers that accidentally touch them when they are on.

These much improved bulbs now come in cool and warm tones, to go with your decorating. They are quiet, cool, and can be purchased for standard lamps, spot lights, track lighting, ceiling fan lights, and even landscape lighting. Because of the safety factor, some insurance companies give you a credit for using this lighting. In some cases, special fixtures need to be used, but the new CFLs (compact fluorescent lights) screw into most standard fixtures.

Yes, there are some cons to switching. Certain closed light fixtures run too hot for these bulbs. Presently, they still cost more than incandescent lighting, though they last from five to ten times longer. In very short order (less than three months), your lower electric bills will have more than covered the cost! Not all CFLs can be used with 3-way or dimmer switches, though you can buy an adaptor that allows for it.

If you are still not convinced to make the change, and you are buying new fixtures, keep this information in mind. One 100 watt incandescent bulb will give you more light than two 60 watt bulbs and uses 17% less power. Make certain, however, that your fixture has a maximum wattage that allows for a 100 watt bulb.

Lisa Mason is a freelance writer with a specialty in Internet content and SEO articles. She has written thousands of articles, hundreds of ebooks and thousands of website pages and related content. She has also authored her own books and works as a consultant to other writers, Internet marketers and Internet businesses.

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